Make the best choices on your care
When you have missing teeth or damaged teeth because of cavities, decay and such, we have solutions to help you fix those. Some of the solutions are we can do great cosmetic dentistry with composite fillings. Those are white fillings that blend in with your original tooth structure. We have a variety of shades that we use for blending so that when you do have that smile, it looks like everything fits in. As far as missing teeth go, we have a variety of ways that we can replace that missing tooth. A lot of that depends on the situation that’s going on in your mouth. We are here to help you make those decisions as to which one is the best for you. And budget definitely is one of those choices that we do need to consider. And so I will always give, “Hey, here you have choice A, choice B, or choice C,” so that you can make an informed choice that fits in with your lifestyle, with your budget, and how you want to take care of your mouth and your health.